What is Mission?

Currently, in the legalized cannabis, CBD, and hemp industry, companies can make claims, create labels, and market their products without worrying too much about regulatory bodies holding them accountable. It does not mean that enforcement does not happen; it is just few and far between at the present time.

As a result, the industry has become somewhat like the wild west — although there are measures designed to prevent companies from making false and misleading claims about their products, they are not heeded by many. 

Honest, responsible industry professionals in every area of the supply chain are then left to compete with companies that engage in these misleading and sometimes fraudulent marketing tactics. Investors and businesses risk catastrophic legal repercussions. And consumers are required to navigate an untrustworthy industry without the tools to make informed decisions about what they put into their bodies. These products are not cheap and ensuring that consumers get what they are paying for is another key critical factor in augmenting consumer trust and brand loyalty. 

Qredible® is here to solve these problems by fostering a symbiotic ecosystem and network of manufacturers, merchants, distributors, analytic labs, banks, and ancillary businesses to provide a single digital source for researching brands and building trust and transparency in a rapidly growing and challenging industry.  

Our mission is to promote safe commerce using advanced technologies that protect businesses, facilitate growth, and consistently build consumer trust. 

Keep reading to learn more about how we’re accomplishing that mission.

What is Qredible®?

Qredible is the only digital registry that validates and verifies companies, brands, and products in the legalized cannabis, CBD, and hemp industry. It is a system-wide platform intended for use by customers and industry professionals in all areas of the supply chain.

Anyone involved in the CBD, hemp, and legalized cannabis industry who wants to earn the trust of partners, investors, customers, and other businesses should be in Qredible. This includes:

  • Growers, nurseries, and handlers
  • Manufacturers
  • Retail and wholesale merchants
  • Third-party product and service providers
  • Network distributors and buyers of wholesale product
  • Financial institutions and insurance companies
  • Private and institutional investors,
  • Analytical testing labs 
  • Regulatory agencies 
  • Consumers

Once they’re in the registry, businesses will have access to a wide variety of features unique to their needs. Consumers will be able to view verified licensing and badging/certification information about a company. They can also track information regarding the brand’s product’s, including lab testing, product ingredients and much more. 

Merchants and investors will be able to view vaulted and blockchained lab reports before making financial decisions. And manufacturers will be able to confirm merchant claims align with their products. The Qredible Q-Trust platform incorporates all of the intelligence to enable a 360-degree view of your customers, your partners, and your vendors. It will enable you to prove your quality and stand by your brand promises through the power of the Q-Verified seal. 

The result is total supply chain participation in trustworthy and compliant business practices that significantly lower risks for all parties and increases the value of your brand in the market.

Functionality and Features of the Q-Trust™

Qredible does more than just verify claims made about a product or company, it also encourages accountability and reform through compliance monitoring in Q-Trust™ through a powerful compliance engine called Q-Comply™. 

By establishing their business in Qredible’s Q-Trust platform, industry professionals gain access to: 

  • Q-Comply™ — Automated compliance monitoring: This includes a powerful AI-powered compliance bot to perform audits and proactively monitor your website, social media, marketing messages, and labeling to prevent issues and mitigate risk.
  • Brand reputation management: Active monitoring and management of critical data sources including news, lawsuits, regulatory warnings or enforcement actions, and reviews on various sites such as google my business and the Better Business Bureau.
  • The Q Vault™: A blockchain registry of immutable documents, including licenses, certifications, and lab reports complete with critical tracking data and alerts of critical dates of expiration.
  • A network of reliable industry partners: An integrated community of industry participants to build and strengthen relationships.
  • Advanced research, analytics, and industry insights: Access to news, industry research, resources, and data curated for your needs and interests.
  • Market access and promotion: Promote your brand, services, and products through Qredible’s marketplaces and platforms. 

All businesses that claim their profile and complete their “Road to Qredibility” (RTQ) in the Q-Trust™ platform will be verified with a seal that indicates that the information related to your brand, including licensing, certifications, and lab reports, has been validated and verified. 

This allows companies to finally stand by their brand and distinguish themselves from dishonest competitors who, until now, took advantage of the unregulated nature of the industry to cut corners and deceive customers. 

Regardless of whether a business claims its profile or not within the Q-Trust platform, Qredible is currently reporting on over 30,000 licensed industry entities in both Hemp/CBD and the legalized cannabis industry. As such, it is important for a company to claim its profile and complete its RTQ in order to gain control of its digital industry profile. 

Functionality and Features of the Q-Vault™

Using sophisticated technology, Qredible confirms the validity of a brand’s claims, licenses, certificates, permits, labels, registrations, and more. 

Once validated, lab reports and other documents are then stored in a blockchain-powered database that obstructs the ability to alter the document in any way, ensuring it cannot be tampered with. 

Key data and expiration dates associated with these critical documents and certifications are also tracked, allowing the system to send proactive notices and warnings when critical dates are nearing expiration. This includes dates on licenses, certifications, insurance policies, and  Certificates of Analysis and allows users to receive warnings when a predetermined time period has elapsed (i.e. 18 months). 

Protecting and Growing Your Business In Qredible®

At the same time as Qredible works to improve trust and transparency in legalized cannabis, CBD, and hemp organizations, it also provides them with a variety of benefits that both protect and encourage the growth of their business.

Qredible protects businesses by actively monitoring their compliance with regulations. This prevents and limits potential fines, fees, and penalties associated with any violative messaging in products and marketing. Additionally, Qredible provides proactive monitoring of hundreds of data sources of not only brands but that of their suppliers to ensure that subscribers of Q-Trust are always aware and notified of critical events whether they are positive or negative. 

Q-Trust also helps businesses avoid FDA or FTC involvement and lawsuits which can lead to irreparable harm in the form of reputational damage and injunctions. These conflicts and disruptions result in more than just temporary losses in revenue. Investors will be less inclined to support a business with a poor reputation, especially if a company has a history of irresponsible business practices. 

Many businesses think they are doing or saying the right thing, but are surprised by unintended consequences caused by a rapidly changing regulatory environment, which could cost them their business. 

Not only does Qredible help businesses avoid these conflicts through advanced technology-driven active monitoring, but it also helps responsible and ethical businesses proactively manage their reputation and continue to build their brand in the industry. 

Once a business is in Qredible, it’s easier to promote growth through the advanced functionality and features only available to members. It also increases the value of products by cultivating a reputation synonymous with quality consumers can trust.

Qredible®: Increasing Trust in the Legalized Cannabis Industry

Qredible’s mission is, ultimately, to transform the legalized cannabis, CBD, and hemp industry from a place rife with fraudulence and misinformation to a symbiotic community based on mutual trust.

In Qredible, all parties can engage in safe commerce, enabling them to promote and distribute their products on their own e-commerce sites, a multitude of industry aggregation platforms, and the Qredible Q-Marketplace. The Q-Verified Seal and unique company QR code connote trust and transparency fostering confidence in the purchasing process.  

Prospective customers can pull out their phones to scan the QR-Code associated with the participating company which will provide a summary level report to potential buyers indicating the validation and verification of both the company and the products. 

When consumers support responsible businesses, the right companies succeed. The result: safer commerce through shared accountability and mutual respect. 

Qredible is the only digital registry that helps ethical suppliers differentiate themselves from competitors who make deceptive claims about their products. Get started today to be in Qredible.

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